Maximize Your App’s potential – The most important mobile product metrics to track in 2022

If you think about it, the essence of good management is making the right call every single time. If only success was that easy, right? It is hard to argue with the oversimplified theory, though. And it makes you wonder: how can you make sure at least most of the business decisions you make will ultimately take your mobile app product down the right path?

Playing by ear is a trick not everyone can pull off. And even if you’re a natural-born musical prodigy, it’s always easier (and safer) with the sheets in front of you. Producing an impressive growth curve for a mobile app is not all that different from playing an eye-watering symphony in this sense. Still, many business owners improvise, and the performance rarely deserves applause. Failing to log at least the crucial metrics of business operations often leads to equally unimpressive results.

These metrics are often called key performance indicators or KPIs, and they reflect how well each moving part within your app’s growth engine is functioning – or whether or not your band is playing in harmony, to stick to the music analogy.