Picking the Right Tools & Technologies for your next Mobile Product with X2 Mobile

Reaching for the right gear is always crucial at the beginning of any project, even an easy one. You might think you could whip up the old peanut butter and jelly sandwich with your eyes closed, but what if the only tool you had for the job was a hammer? Who’s to say it’s impossible – but it would certainly be difficult, the polar opposite of elegant, and overall just very bad project management..

The choice of technology heavily influences the timeframe, cost, and quality, but most importantly, the overall outcome of a development project. An overkill is just as bad as a bottleneck, not to mention the roadblocks waiting several steps ahead, which are hard to expect unless you’ve already been there a few times. No wonder many clients, especially small-size companies, see choosing the right framework for their projects as one of the most daunting tasks.