Prototype vs PoC vs MVP – Which one is the best for your next mobile product?

The earliest stages of building a new mobile app are always filled with enthusiasm. As the song goes, you probably ‘want it all, and you want it now.’

We’ve been there many times, and the bad news is that it never really works out like that. For the result to match the expectations, you first need to understand the phases that your product will go through before it reaches its final shape.

It’s easy to see why it’s inevitable to think in phases. Simply too many things change in the process – from requirements, and availability, to user feedback, and all the way to the market itself. That’s why it’s always best to take an iterative approach when developing a new mobile app. One step at a time.

‘Prototype’ is one thing, but what is a ‘PoC,’ and since when does ‘MVP’ stand for anything other than Most Valuable Player? Wait until they casually drop the odd ‘MMP’ and ‘MLP’ into the conversation – so what language do these people speak, and what do they want from you, really?