The advantages of a mobile-first product strategy

Key takeaways

  • Why go mobile-first?

  • What is a mobile-first strategy, exactly?

  • What are the benefits of a mobile-first approach?

  • How do you craft a mobile-first business strategy?

  • Closing thoughts

What is the first thing you reach out for when you wake up in the morning? 

We’re going to take a wild guess and assume it’s your smartphone. Even if it’s just to turn off your alarm or look at the time, it’s more than likely that your phone will be the first thing you touch in the morning. 

We’ve become so attached to our smartphones (some would even say dependent or addicted, but we won’t go there) that it’s impossible to imagine our lives without them. Just think about it; what if apps like Facebook, Instagram, Google Maps, Spotify, or Revolut didn’t exist? What if you could only access these platforms on a desktop computer? If the mere thought sends shivers down your spine, don’t worry, you are not alone.

Roughly 6.4 billion people own a smartphone in 2021, and that number is on the rise. Statista predicts that 7.5 billion people will own a smartphone by 2026. Given that there are currently about 7.9 billion people on the planet, it’s fair to say that smartphones are here to stay - and so are mobile apps. 

Why even consider a mobile-first strategy for your business?

In this digital, tech-savvy, device-focused era we’re living in, failing to embrace or even consider a mobile-first strategy can significantly hurt your business. As of October 2021, mobile usage rests at 54.37% of the global market share, with desktop usage at 43.15%. What’s more, experts predict that mobile e-commerce sales will reach $3.56 trillion by the end of the year. Not focusing your efforts on reaching mobile users is, therefore, more than a missed opportunity. It can hurt your bottom line and the overall success of your business. 

Having worked in the mobile app development world for a while now, we’ve seen firsthand how much of a difference a mobile-first strategy can make. That’s why we want to dive into this topic and explain why a mobile-first approach is a good idea for your product and your business. We hope that by the end of this article, you’ll have a greater understanding of why this strategy works, what it entails, and whether it’s the right direction for your business goals. 

What does 'mobile-first' really mean?

First thing’s first: let’s define and understand what ‘mobile first’ really means. The concept was popularized by Luke Wroblewski in his 2009 book, titled - you’ve guessed it - ‘Mobile First.’ A mobile-first strategy is a business development approach that prioritizes mobile users over desktop users. This type of approach is not limited only to the UI/UX design or the technology platform. Instead, it covers the entire product-building mindset. 

Of course, a mobile-first strategy doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also provide your users with a great web experience. But a mobile app will enable you to provide a more well-rounded, complete customer experience that will keep users returning to your product.

Mobile-first and responsive web design: are they the same thing?

A mobile-first approach to product development means more than just optimizing your web experience for mobile devices. In a nutshell, with responsive web design, your team will take your desktop website and scale it down to work on smartphone and/or tablet screens. This is certainly useful, as it provides a better mobile experience for your users, but it does not mean that you’re embracing a mobile-first approach; the priority in responsive web design is still the desktop version of your product.

The benefits of a mobile-first strategy

Making your mobile users your top priority can bring numerous benefits and help your product achieve long-term success. We’re going to go over some of the most important benefits of a mobile-first strategy below:

A wider reach

If you only allow your users access to your product from a computer or laptop, you will miss the opportunity of reaching the millions of mobile users out there. As smartphone and tablet screens get bigger, people are spending more time on these devices and less time on their computers. What’s more, for mobile users, responsive web design won’t cut it. To get their attention and loyalty, you’ll need a dedicated mobile app that’s always present on their screens, ready to be accessed.  


If your product or service is only accessible via a desktop computer, you’ll significantly restrict your potential user pool. Not to mention you will rely on access to an internet connection at all times. People nowadays are constantly on the move, and they’re no longer tied to their laptops or computers for work or leisure. Having a mobile app allows the customer to access and take your business anywhere, anytime. Whether they’re at the coffee shop or the grocery store, on the bus, or even in the bathroom, they will be just a screen tap away from your product or service. 


With a dedicated mobile app, you unlock access to various customization options to attract and retain customers. Mobile users have come to expect a flawless app experience, so you will need to invest time and effort in your UI/UX design and make sure that everything works smoothly. However, if you do get it right and provide users with a seamless mobile experience, it will be worth it. Users will return to an app that is easy to use, has an intuitive UI, and works flawlessly every time. Keep updating, upgrading, adding new features, and improving on your app, and your efforts will pay off. 

A superior customer experience

For most businesses, a seamless mobile experience coupled with an intuitive, clean, and fast-loading website will work best to attract and retain customers. This way, you’ll make sure you reach both mobile and desktop users. What’s more, by allowing them to access and interact with your product in different ways, you will be able to provide a superior and complete customer experience. Your mobile app will allow you to narrow your focus and showcase the best features of your product, while your website will offer users the opportunity to explore your offerings on a deeper level. 

An edge on the competition

Given the stats we discussed at the beginning of this article, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that we might be heading towards a mobile-first existence. What if desktop computers and laptops were to become obsolete or only used for certain tasks? Wouldn’t you like to know about it beforehand and be ahead of the trends? A mobile-first strategy will allow you to do just that. It will be much easier to adapt to new technologies and trends with a fully functional mobile product and an established mobile user base. Think of what happened during the Covid19 pandemic, as lockdowns and restrictions forced many businesses to move online. Those who already had a strong online presence were at a clear advantage, and that’s precisely what you want - to be prepared. 

How to craft a mobile-first strategy for your product

Now that we’ve seen all the benefits of embracing a mobile-first strategy for your business, let's move on to the next step.

From our experience working with clients, there are two possible scenarios to start with:

Scenario 1: You already have a web application. In this case, you’ll want to expand your reach and access new markets and users by creating a mobile app, as well. We’ve already explained the benefits of doing this, so we won’t go over them again. 

Scenario 2: You want to build something from scratch, and you're debating whether you should start with a web application or a mobile app. In this case, you should start with a mobile app and then expand on your services with a website. 

In both scenarios, the focus is obviously on the mobile experience. After all, that’s what a mobile-first strategy is all about, right? It doesn’t even matter which scenario you find yourself in. Having a web application already doesn’t put you at an advantage in this case, as your app will most likely look very different and showcase different features of your product. 

Get into the mobile application mindset and start planning

Building a mobile product starts with a lot, and we mean, A LOT, of planning. You don’t want to waste time and money working on a mobile app without making sure there is a need for it on the market. That’s why you should take your time to establish your product-market fit and validate - or invalidate - your product idea. Without going into too much detail (we’ll explore the product discovery and development process in depth in upcoming articles), here’s how the initial process usually goes:

  • Identify the need you want to cover / the problem you’re trying to solve

  • Define your target audience / potential user base 

  • Check to see whether there are similar solutions already on the market

  • Think of how you want users to interact with your product. What will the onboarding process look like? How do you keep them coming back?

  • How will you monetize your product? Are you going for a freemium/premium approach?

  • What is the MVP (minimum viable product) that you can use to test out your product?

  • Launch your MVP to (in)validate your product idea

  • If it works, great! Keep improving and finding new features to add to help your product grow

  • If you fail, start again!

Always prioritize the mobile customer experience 

When building a mobile app, it’s easy to get lost in all the designs and functionalities, and we’ve been there! But do your best to keep focused and always remember your top priority: providing the best possible customer experience for your mobile users. Sure, there are many great features and buttons to play around with, but don’t steer away from what mobile users look for: simple, neat, intuitive, and accessible navigation. 

Don’t overcomplicate things and make it difficult for users to get around your app. Making sure your UI/UX runs seamlessly and without a glitch is more important than the look of your app. Remember that most of the time mobile users are on the go, and they want things done fast and easily. So, remember functionality first, design second.

Before you go

Now that we’ve gone over some of the main benefits of a mobile-first strategy and what such a strategy might entail, it’s time to make it personal and share some lessons we’ve learned over the years. 

X2 Mobile has been building mobile apps for clients for many years now, and in our experience, the benefits of a mobile-first approach are overwhelming. That’s why we’re creating this content, to help businesses understand the true value of mobile applications and the importance of making informed decisions when they craft their digital strategy. 

Our team doesn’t just help clients build and launch an app. We partner with businesses and help them throughout the process, from product discovery to mobile app development, optimization and improvement. We want to help clients build the best possible mobile experience for their users, and we go all in, from start to finish. 

Ready to build your mobile-first product strategy? Let’s work together!


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